Letter from Our Executive Director

Dear Parent or Guardian,
Thank you for choosing Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) for your child’s education. We are excited to welcome you into our narwhal family! Whatever reason brought you here, we are committed to earning your trust. We look forward to partnering alongside you to ensure your children can meet their goals and enjoy the future of their dreams!
At TOPS, your teachers and administrators believe that all students can achieve at high levels. We put students at the center of our decisions and actions, and we are committed to knowing your child as a unique individual. Texas Online Preparatory School provides an innovative public school learning experience that equips students for lifelong success. We maintain high expectations, we deliver challenging instruction, and we develop resilience in our goal-oriented community. As we say at TOPS, empower to learn, equip to succeed!
Before school begins, be on the lookout for information on class schedules and orientation. For tutorials, help getting started, and general FAQs, be sure to check out K12’s Strong Start program. This Learning Coach page is an excellent resource for new and veteran learning coaches. For help contacting teachers, counselors, and administrators, please visit our TOPS Contact Guide. Whether it will be you or another adult in your child’s life supporting as the Learning Coach, we encourage you to communicate with your teacher often, to ask questions, and to let us know both your challenges and successes!
It’s a great day to be a narwhal!
All the best,

Kristina Nanini
Executive Director